
What is a Workflow?
556 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 600

Contact Person: Access Level: public License Agreement: Apache2 Platform: COMPSs


Simple is an application that takes one value and increases it by five units. The purpose of this application is to show how tasks are managed by COMPSs.

Execution instructions


runcompss --lang=python src/ initValue 


  • initValue: Initial value for counter

Execution Examples

runcompss --lang=python src/ 1 

Type: COMPSs

Creators: Javier Conejero, The Workflows and Distributed Computing Team (

Submitter: Raül Sirvent

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.673.1


The aim of this workflow is to handle the routine part of shotgun metagenomics data processing on Galaxy Australia.

The workflow is using the tools MetaPhlAn2 for taxonomy classification and HUMAnN2 for functional profiling of the metagenomes. The workflow is based on the Galaxy Training tutorial 'Analyses of metagenomics data - The global picture' (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut) ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Valentine Murigneux, Mike Thang, Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, The workflow is based on the Galaxy Training tutorial Analyses of metagenomics data. Thank you to the Galaxy Australia team, Igor Makunin and Mike Thang for help with the workflow

Submitter: Valentine Murigneux

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.624.1


Cite with Zenodo Nextflow run with conda run with docker ...



GitHub Actions CI Status

Cite with Zenodo ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Matthieu Muffato, Priyanka Surana

Submitter: Matthieu Muffato



GitHub Actions CI Status

Cite with Zenodo

Nextflow ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Matthieu Muffato, Priyanka Surana

Submitter: Matthieu Muffato



GitHub Actions CI Status

Cite with Zenodo

Nextflow ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Matthieu Muffato, Priyanka Surana

Submitter: Matthieu Muffato



Cite with Zenodo

Nextflow run with conda [![run with ...

Type: Nextflow

Creator: Priyanka Surana

Submitter: Matthieu Muffato


A pipeline for mapping, calling, and annotation of SARS-CoV2 variants.

Type: Nextflow

Creator: Krisztian Papp

Submitter: Ross Thorne


A workflow for mapping and consensus generation of SARS-CoV2 whole genome amplicon nanopore data implemented in the Nextflow framework. Reads are mapped to a reference genome using Minimap2 after trimming the amplicon primers with a fixed length at both ends of the amplicons using Cutadapt. The consensus is called using Pysam based on a majority read support threshold per position of the Minimap2 alignment and positions with less than 30x coverage are masked using ‘N’.

Type: Nextflow

Creator: David F. Nieuwenhuijse, Alexey Sokolov

Submitter: Ross Thorne



This is the official repository of the SARS-CoV-2 variant surveillance pipeline developed by Danish Technical University (DTU), Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), EMBL-EBI, Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) under the Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory (VEO) project. The project consists of 20 European partners. It is funded by the European Commission.

The ...

Type: Nextflow

Creator: David Yuan

Submitter: David Yuan

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.664.1

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